Rain water tank level in Domoticz

 What we use

Tasmota on wemos D1 with ultra Sonic sensor

MQTT broker running on a Raspberry Pi 3+

Running Domoticz on this Pi

First we have to setup our Tasmota module, if you don't have Tasmotizer you can get it on github


Be sure to use the Tasmota-sensors.bin

First time you use Tasmotizer ?  After flasshing your esp you'll find a new wifi network connect you comuter to is and you see a screen to fil in your wifi acces. Once this is done you need to reconnect to you own wifi network.
You'll need to find the IP of you Tasmota device. Mostly you'll do this by you config of your router.

Now the module is almost ready to use, you also need to setup you MQQT Broker IP, and the domoticz settings for the sensor. 

Now we need to setup Domoticz 

i' ve based my project by this link

You need to create 3 dummy devices in Domoticz

You need to make 3 dummies

Now you have to create 3 "Virtual Sensors"
if you have created them go to "devices"

IDX index very important for programming and tasmota
go to you config from tasmota

Save this configuration and go back to Domoticz

and if al went ok, you'll see your distance senor in Domoticz 

Now come's the hard part adding some events to calculate the water volume.

Create a new script usin LUA Script 

This is the code for Lua 
Based on this ink


depth_sensor = 'water tank sensor'

-- Output devices: Percentage full, volume.
pct_sensor = 'water tank'
pct_sensor_id = 30
--idx in domoticz =30
volume_sensor = 'water'
volume_sensor_id = 31
--idx in domoticz =31
--you should look for you settings in your domoticz devices

-- Tank dimensions
tank_height = 165
tank_area = 98 * 98 * 3.14
--tank_area = tank radius =98 cm
-- if you have a square tank W * D 

commandArray = {}

if (devicechanged[depth_sensor]  or devicechanged[tank_temp_sensor]) then
   -- Use otherdevices_svalues[] because devicechanged[foo_Utility] is not
   -- present when the value is zero
   depth = otherdevices_svalues[depth_sensor]-35
-- -35 cm =distance to top level from water
   -- Calculate percentage and volume
   pct = (tank_height - depth) / tank_height * 100
   volume = (tank_height - depth) * tank_area / 1000

   commandArray[1] = {['UpdateDevice'] = pct_sensor_id .. "|0|" .. pct}
   commandArray[2] = {['UpdateDevice'] = volume_sensor_id .. "|0|" .. volume}

return commandArray


when you past this code it should look like this.

if you did everything ok you should get this result.

I use this sensors

The test project ! 

The sensor on the watertank

Hope you like what you see, grtz Spike

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